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Who is this love goddess please chanta rose. A blog about the trials and tribulations with being a woman 5'3'' and under. Ask me anything. Follow. Posts · Avatar · shortwomenproblems-blog reblogged. So girls if you want to be appreciated for your body I take submissions email me @ [email protected] This blog will be mostly reposts and submissions. Men in all patriarchal civilizations, including ours, have worked to downplay or deny women's creative contributions. That's because patriarchy is founded on. Fashion Inspo for women 5'4" and under. And many petite women have curves too, and some women, particularly Latinas, African-Americans, (South) Indian and other See iloovethis-blog's whole Tumblr.

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Views: 4213 Date: 5/22/2024 Favorited: 122 favorites

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